Thursday, May 30, 2013

(Aurangabad - Maharashtra)

JAYAKWADI :The Jayakwadi project (Marathiजायकवाडी प्रकल्प) is one of the largest irrigation projects in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is a multipurpose project. Its water is used mainly to irrigate agricultural land in the drought-prone Marathwada region of the state. It also provides water for drinking and industrial usage to nearby towns and villages and to the municipalities and industrial areas of Aurangabad and Jalna district. The surrounding area of the dam has a garden and a Bird sanctuary.(Source: Wikipedia)

BIRD SANCTUARY : Close to the dam is the Jayakwadi bird sanctuary which is home for many species of resident and migrant birds. Almost 250 species of birds can be found in this region, which includes more than 70 species of migratory birds. Out of these, 45 chief species are of international migration. Notable amongst migratory birds are Cranes, Flamingos, Pintails, Wigeon, Shoveller, Brahmany Duck, Pochards, Teals, GodWit, Glossy Ibis, etc. 

 We decided to visit and study Birds of Jayakwadi, from December 2011.  December to February is the perfect time to visit any Bird Sanctuary of Maharashtra. We were very keen to watch and photograph Waders as well as Grass birds.

 In December the temperature goes down up to 10° C. We started our journey on Bike (50 Kms) from aurangabad, and reached the sight by 7 AM. It was very beautiful and Foggy Morning with the mist lifting of the blue waters of Nathsagar. As soon as we reached closer, we sighted a flock of Greater Flamingos feeding. As Sun started to come out, we progressed further and saw cormorants, few ducks, gulls and terns flying over our heads. While Green bee eaters, Lapwings, wagtails starting their busy day in nearby Fields. 

There are two different sides of the Jayakwadi dam called as Left and Right Canals, we decided to visit Left Canal 1st, its hardly 20 mins walk from the main gate of the Dam. While reaching left Canal, we were continuously hearing the calls of Grey Francolin..when i was busy photographing a hovering black shouldered kite, Ameya spotted Grey Francolin on road which was at a good distance from us. 

 We were able to get quite close to it and click some good pictures but as soon as i clicked 2 pictures it vanished into the bushes.

Apart from Black Shouldered Kite and Francolin, we sighted many birds in crop fields adjacent to road, like Babblers, Mynas, Prinias, Oriole, Parakeets, stone chats and bush chats, Weaver, both Scaly and Red Munia's, wire tailed and Red Rumped Swallows. We spent some good time capturing these birds. 
 On the way ahead we spotted Siberian Stone chat basking in the morning Sun. While weaver birds were feeding in Jowar Fields. As we neared the fields just before the Canal, we saw couple of crows mobbing a common Kestrel  flew away very far from us.  

After some good birding in those fields, we started to move for the Left Canal. As we reached the spot, 1st bird who welcomed us was the White breasted water-hen, which was undisturbed with our presence and came very close to us, giving us an opportunity of photographing. 

 As we looked through the Binoculars and Spotting scope, we saw hundreds of ducks, flamingos, Plovers and stilts surrounding us. We spotted a good place from where we could see all of them clearly. Ameya immediately set a Spotting Scope on a Tripod.  

We easily Identified these ducks, Common Coots and Northern shovellers were in large numbers. While flocks of common Teals and common Pochards were on the different sides. 

Little Ring Plovers, Kentish Plovers, Black winged Stilts, Yellow and White Wagtails, were continuously moving around the shore, who were making us difficult to spot them through the Scope. Also there were good numbers of Red and Green shanks, followed by Sand, Marsh Sandpiper and a couple of Green Sandpipers. 

Couple of Brahminy OR Ruddy Shelducks landed nearby us, continuously giving their typical calls. They waited for us to take few snaps and flew away.

A flock of Red Crested Pochards, whose also a winter migrant to the area, flew above us.

After such a good birding at left Canal, We moved again to the Main gate to have Lunch. In between White Breasted Kingfisher was also spotted, busy feeding on a Crab.  At the Same time we found a Ruddy Mongoose who was searching for food in between the rocks along the shore.

After Lunch as it was very sunny, we decided to take a walk into the wooded area near the Paithan village,  there were plenty of Rose Ringed Parakeets, Prinias, Tailor Birds.  Some Rose ringed Parakeets were resting/Playing on the Tree Barks. Found few sitting at eye level.

 Suddenly Common Iora made a good appearance through the Thorny branches , giving me chance to capture him.

The good activity of all these birds, suddenly got disturbed. Even the Palm squirrels started making noise.  It didn't take much time for us to understand that the birds have captured the movement of some Raptor.  Ameya and Swapnil, without wasting any time spotted it and shouted in unison - SHIKRA.
The bird was busy feeding on a kill he just made. giving us a plenty of time to watch through the spotting scope.

This was one of the best birding day for us, as birds were coming closer, as if they wanted us to take there pictures. Purple Rumped Sun bird and Common Hoopoe joined the list too.

After birding there for almost 2 Hours, we added few new names into our list, like Minivet (?), Yellow footed green pigeon, Purple Sun-bird, Magpie robins, and near a small pond sighted some Purple moorhens and Small Blue Kingfisher. 

Again after taking some rest and refreshments, we hit the Right side of the dam, and got amazed with the sight. The blue water of the Jayakwadi was full of Ducks, Flamingos, Spoonbills, Storks and Gulls. 
As i tried getting closer for better photographs, the gulls flew off. 

Thankfully Spoonbills and Flamingos stayed there for long, and gave me some good pictures. Spoonbills were busy preening themselves.

The Grey Heron who was waiting for its catch very steadily, and didn't get disturb at all with our presence. Meanwhile Ameya and Swapnil were spotting and identifying the Ducks from the dense population with the help of Spotting scope. Common Coots, Lesser whistling teals, Northern Pintail, Spot billed ducks, Ruddy Shelducks, Red Crested Pochard, Bar Headed Geese, common pochard, Eurasian wigeon, gargney, common teal, Northern Shoveller, Tufted Pochard, Comb Duck etc.

These Ducks were very far from shore, even difficult for the 15x zoom of my camera. Though was lucky to capture Spot billed Ducks, Comb Duck and Bar headed Gees.

It was nearing Dusk, So we decided to fall back through the place where lots of Painted Storks can be seen. As we were reaching the spot, a couple of  Asian Open billed storks flew above us.

Few more sightings on the way back to Dam, included Common Moorhen, Yellow Wattled Lapwing, Indian Coursers, Pied Avocet, Small Pratincole, Bronze winged jacana.

The Sun was about to set, when we reached above Dam to get some Sunset pictures. Overall the Day was awesome for Bird watching as well as photography. The total count of 135 Birds was recorded on that day.

As Ameya and Swapnil has given a work of Bird Counting and has to make an record of the Total migratory birds visiting Jayakwadi Bird Sanctuary, they visited the site 20+ times during the winter season.
They had some amazing sightings of Common and Demoiselle cranes.
The total Bird Checklist of Jayakwadi is about 278 Birds. The Aurangabad Forest department is going to publish the copy of this checklist soon. Will update the Checklist of this Bird Sanctuary in my next post.
Till then, Happy Birding. :)

If you want to visit this place, with a Guide assistance.
Ameya Deshpande +91 9028042220

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